Coupon code: Friends25
Coupon code: Friends25
This is My Favourite project...Encouraging others with a creative bent, to create a community that uses art and craft in all forms, to instil kindness. We use acts of kindness with no thought to recompense, To change minds, change attitudes and change hearts.. and in the process change everything!
Sometimes it's just as simple as holding the door for someone...Just a simple courtesy is a great start!
I am a firm believer that if you cannot do big things, then do small things in abundance. Everyday can be difficult for some, and the stresses of everyday life can feel compounded. Try brightening someones day with a little hand crafted gift. Give them to the Cashier at your favourite shop, the bank teller , the elderly lady in line behind you or anyone that you think could use a dose of Cheer. It can be a total stranger or the lady next door. A small and simple act of kindness can do a great deal to make a persons everyday feel a little brighter!!
Small acts of kindness can have big effects.. it can change everything!
Join Our Facebook Group and meet some great people, and participate in some fun contests, challenges and socialize with others that just want to make a difference... no matter how small.
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